Concept Development

Our experts create imaginative lighting concepts that reflect clients' visions, setting the creative direction for projects. Collaborative ideation ensures designs are both unique and aligned with project objectives, resulting in captivating outcomes.

  • Engage with clients to understand their vision, goals, and design preferences.
  • Generate innovative lighting concepts that align with the project.
  • Develop customized lighting strategies that enhance the ambiance and spaces.
  • Provide visual representations and explanations of proposed lighting concepts.
  • The concept developed serves as the basis for the entire lighting design process.

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Photometric Analysis

Utilizing cutting-edge software, we analyze light distribution and intensity, optimizing designs for compliance with industry standards. This precision enhances visual effects, energy efficiency, and regulatory adherence in every illuminated space.

  • Use advanced software to model light distribution and its impact on different surfaces.
  • Generate 3D simulations that illustrate how light interacts with architectural elements.
  • Fine-tune fixture placement to achieve desired light levels and minimize shadows.
  • Assess lighting efficiency, uniformity, and compliance with industry standards.
  • Adjust designs based on analysis results to achieve the desired lighting effects

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WELL Building Design and Integration

Enhancing occupants' well-being, our lighting integrates seamlessly with the WELL Building Standard. From circadian lighting to glare reduction, we craft solutions fostering healthier, more productive indoor environments that align with the standard's principles.

  • Design lighting solutions that prioritize occupant health, well-being, and comfort.
  • Implement strategies that support natural sleep-wake cycles and mood regulation.
  • Minimize glare and discomfort through careful fixture selection and placement.
  • Ensure lighting enhances color accuracy and overall visual experience in indoor spaces.
  • Integrate designs that contribute to achieving WELL Building Standard certification.

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Revit/BIM Modeling

Effortlessly merging lighting designs into building models, our Revit/BIM services ensure accuracy and real-time collaboration. With streamlined coordination, we enable precise fixture placement, comprehensive clash detection, and effective project communication for unparalleled results.

  • Incorporate lighting elements seamlessly into the overall building information model.
  • Identify and resolve conflicts between lighting fixtures and other building components.
  • Provide clients and stakeholders with realistic renderings of lighting layouts.• Provide clients and stakeholders with realistic renderings of lighting layouts.
  • Facilitate communication between architects, designers, and lighting professionals.
  • Generate precise lighting plans and specifications within the BIM environment.

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